We could not be the organization that we are without the help of our sponsors! Each dollar donated helps support the various programs and activities we provide for the community.
If you are interested in more information about becoming a 2024 Walk/Run Sponsor, please click on the picture below for the form. Once completed, please send it to us at asadayton@gmail.com.
Corporate Sponsor: $5,000
- 10 complimentary race registrations.
- Recognition as a Corporate Sponsor throughout the entire year.
- Recognition as a Corporate Sponsor on Dayton Autism Society’s website including a live link to the company’s website.
- Recognition during opening ceremonies of the Dayton Autism Society’s 5k Walk/Run
- Recognition as Corporate Sponsor in all promotional material throughout the year.
- Promotional table provided during annual 5k Walk/Run.
- Sponsor-provided signage will be displayed during the 5k Walk/Run.
- Logo on the back of the Dayton Autism Society’s 5k Walk/Run t-shirt.
- Recognition in thank you advertisement to be placed in Dayton Dailey News following the 5k walk/run.
Platinum Sponsor: $2,500
- 6 complimentary race registrations.
- Recognition during opening ceremonies of the Dayton Autism Society’s 5k Walk/Run.
- Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor on Dayton Autism Society’s website including a link to the company’s website.
- Recognition as Platinum Sponsor in all promotional material* throughout the year.
- Recognition and link to the company from Dayton Autism Society’s website throughout the year.
- A promotional table will be provided during the event.
- Sponsor-provided signage will be displayed during the event.
- Logo on the back of the Dayton Autism Society’s 5k Walk/Run t-shirt.
Gold Sponsor: $1,000
- 4 complimentary race registrations.
- Recognition during opening ceremonies of the Dayton Autism Society’s 5k Walk/Run.
- Recognition as Gold Sponsor in all promotional material* related to the 5k walk/run.
- Link to company from Dayton Autism Society’s website during the walk period.
- Sponsor-provided signage will be displayed during the event.
- Logo on the back of the Dayton Autism Society’s 5k Walk/Run t-shirt.
Silver Sponsor: $750
- Recognition during opening ceremonies of the Dayton Autism Society’s 5k Walk/Run.
- Recognition as Silver Sponsor in all promotional material related to the 5k walk/run.
- Recognition on Dayton Autism Society walk website as a silver sponsor.
- Live link to company from Dayton Autism Society’s website.
- Logo on back of the Dayton Autism Society’s 5k Walk/Run t-shirt.
Bronze Sponsor: $500
- Recognition as Bronze Sponsor in all promotional material
- Name on back of Walk t-shirt
- Recognition on the Dayton Autism Society walk website as a bronze supporter
Community Sponsor: $250
- Name on the back of Dayton Autism Society’s 5k Walk/Run t-shirt
- Recognition on the Dayton Autism Society walk website as a supporting sponsor
Friend Sponsor: $100
Recognition on the Dayton Autism Society walk website as a supporting sponsor